Academic Experience

Parsons School of Design
Graphic Design (AAS) Program

  Graphic Design II (with Evelyn Kim) – Fall 2002
  Graphic Design II (with Evelyn Kim) – Spring 2003
  Graphic Design II (with Evelyn Kim) – Fall 2003
  Graphic Design II (with Evelyn Kim) – Spring 2004

Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Graphic Design

  Typography I – Fall 2005
  Typography II – Spring 2006
  Type Technology – Spring 2006
  Typography I – Fall 2006
  Sequential Design I – Fall 2006
  Graduate Workshop (in the MFA program) – Fall 2006
  Type Technology – Spring 2007
  Typography I – Fall 2007
  Sequential Design I – Fall 2007
  Experimental Typography – Fall 2007
  Senior Seminar – Fall 2007
  Typography II – Spring 2008
  Experimental Typography – Spring 2008
Theory and Philosophy of Visual Communication – Spring 2019