Selected Projects

This site shows a sampling — significant and favorite projects — from twenty-five years of experience in visual communication design and related disciplines. The work includes graphic design for print, publication design, exhibition graphics, marketing, corporate identity design, and typography. In addition to the work of Patrick Bell Design, these selected projects also include past work of Patrick Bell on staff at the American Museum of Natural History and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

Publication Design: I Am Copy Nobody: The Art and Political Cartoons of Akinola Laseksan

2024. Patrick Bell Design for the Chrysler Museum of Art

Patrick Bell Design designed this publication, edited by curator Tashae Smith. The dual catalogue features essays and artwork from two concurrent exhibitions of modern African art at the Chrysler Museum of Art and Hampton University Museum. 80 pages. 8 x 10.5 inches. 90 illustrations.

Publication Design: Sankofa: Constructing Modern African Art

2024. Patrick Bell Design for the Hampton University Museum

Patrick Bell Design designed this publication, edited by curator Tashae Smith. The dual catalogue features essays and artwork from two concurrent exhibitions of modern African art at the Chrysler Museum of Art and Hampton University Museum. 80 pages. 8 x 10.5 inches. 90 illustrations.

Publication Design: A Grand Menagerie: The Sculpture of Anna Hyatt Huntington

2024. Patrick Bell Design for the Mary M. Torggler Fine Arts Center at Christopher Newport University

The life and works of sculptor Anna Hyatt Huntington are the subject of this exhibition catalogue. Her work is characterized by public monumental forms as well as smaller sculpture devoted to the forms of diverse animals. Edited by director Hollis Koons. Typeset in Adobe Jenson Pro. 8 1/8 x 11 inches. 136 pages. 148 images. Publication design and production by Patrick Bell Design. Printed by Worth Higgins & Associates.

Publication Design: Lasting Impressions: Prints from the Collection of Susan and David Goode

2023–24. Patrick Bell Design for the Chrysler Museum of Art

Patrick Bell Design designed this publication, written and edited by curator Lloyd DeWitt, of modern prints from the collection of Susan and David Goode, including prints by Robert Motherwell. 60 pages. 8 x 11 inches. 43 illustrations.

Exhibition Graphics and Print Design: The Art of Freedom II

2023. Patrick Bell Design for the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia

Exhibition identity, exhibition graphic design (title wall, panels, label package), exhibition brochure, digital and promotional pieces for major exhibition of Black artists from Virginia.

Exhibition Graphics and Print Design: Forging Freedom, Justice and Equality

2022. Patrick Bell Design for the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia

Exhibition identity, exhibition graphic design (title wall, panel package, label package), exhibition brochure, digital and promotional pieces for large, year-long exhibition of Black history, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the museum.

Exhibition Graphics and Print Design: Unsay Their Name / Stop the Pain

2021. Patrick Bell Design for the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia

Exhibition identity, exhibition graphic design (title wall, panel package, label package) and exhibition brochure for a dual exhibition of the impact of recent events on the Black community in Virginia and beyond.

Website Design: ReWork Richmond

2020–21. Patrick Bell Design for ReWork Richmond

ReWork’s website can be viewed at Website design and prototype by Patrick Bell Design. Production by Xponent21.

Identity Design: ReWork Richmond

2020. Patrick Bell Design for ReWork Richmond

ReWork Richmond is a non-profit dedicated to improving meaningful employment for members of Richmond’s East End community. Patrick Bell Design was tasked with developing a new brand and identity for the group in 2020. Two years of branding have produced a website, brochures and print, digital newsletters and office signage.

Exhibition Graphics: Alexander von Humboldt

2020. Patrick Bell Design for the Smithsonian American Art Museum

Patrick Bell Design collaborated SAAM staff to design this large-scale introductory wall for this fascinating exhibition of Humboldt and his visit to the early United States.

Exhibition Graphic Design: Lee Ufan: Open Dimension

2019–20. Patrick Bell Design for Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

Patrick Bell Design provided exhibition graphics for this exhibition of Lee Ufan’s sculpture displayed in the Hirshhorn courtyard.

Exhibition Graphics, Print Design, and Museum Graphics

2019–24. Patrick Bell Design for the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia

In recent years, Patrick Bell Design has provided exhibition graphic design, exhibition brochures, marketing materials, gallery panels and exterior signage for the Black History Museum in Richmond. Exhibitions have included Yesterday’s Stories, the Art of Freedom, Paradox of Liberty, Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, Violins of Hope, Unsay Their Names, Stop the Pain, and the Art of Freedom II.

Exhibition Design and Graphics: Unbound 2019: Truth and Reconciliation

2019. Patrick Bell Design for the Richmond Slave Trail Commission in Partnership with Norfolk State University

Patrick Bell Design provided all exhibition design, design coordination, and graphic design for this 1000sf exhibition on display at Richmond’s historic Main Street Station. This exhibition highlighted the culture and artifacts of Africa prior to 1619, highlighting Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Igbo, Mali, the Luba, the Yoruba and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The exhibition package included design, production, installation coodination of three cases of artifacts, wall-hung artifacts, fifteen panels, digital media content, labels and exhibition ephemera.

Exhibition Graphic Design: Sean Scully: Landline

2018–19. Patrick Bell Design for Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

Patrick Bell Design provided exhibition graphics, title wall design, promotional materials and invitation package for this exhibition of Sean Scully’s paintings at the Hirshhorn. This was an exhibition, curated by Stéphane Aquin, of Irish-American artist Sean Scully’s Landline series of paintings and sculpture.

Permanent Gallery Graphics: The Hofheimer Collection

2018–19. Patrick Bell Design for the Chrysler Museum of Art

In collaboration with curator Carolyn Needell and exhibit designer David Noyes, Patrick Bell Design contributed the design of six panels, including title panel, to accompany the installation of the museum’s new gallery of English porcelain.

View here to see more images of these panels.

Identity Desgin, Print Design, Website Design: Summit Emotional Health

2018–2019. Corporate identity by Patrick Bell Design

Patrick Bell Design developed the corporate identity for this growing practice of therapists specializing in family and children’s emotional health. The redesign extended from preliminary concepts and branding to initial print pieces, website prototype and graphic standards package.

Logo and Letterform Design: Dolcezza Coffee & Gelato at Hirshhorn

2018. Patrick Bell Design for Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

Custom-designed letterforms and existing Hirshhorn logo were combined to build a new logo and identity for the Dolcezza location at the Hirshhorn Museum.

Museum Graphics: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

2017–20. Patrick Bell Design for Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

From 2017 to 2020, Patrick Bell Design provided the Hirshhorn Museum, in collaboration with Hirshhorn staff, design for a variety of temporary exhibition graphics, permanent lobby panels, marketing materials, invitation packages, and promotional graphics.

Publication Design: American Modernism at Mid-Century: The Work of Morris Davidson

2017. Patrick Bell Design for Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery

This catalogue presents essays and 26 paintings by American mid-century artist Morris Davidson. The book accompanied the 2017 exhibition of the same name at Vanderbilt University. Kevin D. Murphy, editor. 8.25 x 11.25 inches. 152 pages. 75 illustrations.

View here to see more images of this publication.

Publication Design: The History and Legacy of Samuel M. Kootz and the Kootz Gallery

2017. Patrick Bell Design for the Fralin Museum at the University of Virginia

This is a book of six essays published in conjunction with an exhibition held in 2017 at The Fralin Museum of Art at the University of Virginia. Samuel Kootz’s New York gallery was influential in the development of modern art. Jennifer Farrell, editor. 7.5 x 9 inches. 168 pages. 50 illustrations. Printed by Worth Higgins & Associates.

View here to see more images of this publication.

Publication Design: Joseph Cornell and Surrealism

2015. Patrick Bell Design for the Fralin Museum at the University of Virginia

This book presents eleven essays previously published in French as Joseph Cornell et les Surréalistes à New York in 2013 for exhibitions shown at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon and The Fralin Museum of Art. Matthew Affron, Sylvie Ramond, editors. 6.75 x 9 inches. 180 pages. 93 illustrations. Publication design and production by Patrick Bell Design. Printed by Worth Higgins & Associates. Distributed by Penn State Press.

View here to see more images of this publication.

Exhibit Design: Lakeside Wheelclub

2014. Patrick Bell Design for the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

This small project consisted of the design of eight large panels for interior and exterior display. The exhibit documented the early popularity of bicycling and its connection to the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. Production by Keith Fabry.

Publication Design: Realms of Earth and Sky

2014. Patrick Bell Design for the Fralin Museum at the University of Virginia

This book exhibition catalogue presents forty works of art from The Fralin Museum's collection of South Asian miniature paintings from the 1400s to the 1800s. Daniel Ehnbom, author. Contributions by Krista Gulbransen. 9.25 x 12 inches. 124 pages. 57 illustrations. Publication design and production by Patrick Bell Design. Printed by Worth Higgins & Associates.

View here to see more images of this publication.

Publication Design: Émilie Charmy

2013. Patrick Bell Design for the Fralin Museum at the University of Virginia

The paintings of Émilie Charmy are the subject of this exhibition catalogue by author and curator Matthew Affron. The book’s cover, layout and typography serve to boldly emphasize modern aspects of this transitional artist's work while complementing traditional elements. 10.125 x 12 inches. 120 pages. 59 illustrations. Printed by Worth Higgins & Associates.

View here to see more images of this publication.

Typeface Design: Hall of Mammals

2012. Patrick Bell Design for the American Museum of Natural History

This typeface was commissioned by AMNH to fabricate metal lettering in the museum's newly renovated Hall of North American Mammals. The uppercase letterforms were inspired by a variety of early-20th-century all-capital metal letterforms in the old hall. Lowercase letterforms were newly designed to complement the uppercase.

View here to see more samples of this typeface.

Exhibition Identity and Promotional Graphics: Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb

2012. Patrick Bell on staff at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Exhibition identity and promotional graphics package, including digital ads, large-scale signage and posters, etc.

View here to see more images of this marketing package.

Wine Label Design: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

2011. Patrick Bell on staff at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

One small example of the breadth of design work during my two years on staff at VMFA was the design of labels for four wines produced for VMFA in 2011 (by Michael Shaps Wineworks near Charottesville) and sold at the museum.

Publication Design: Fabergé Revealed

2011. Patrick Bell on staff at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

This large book features essays and a complete catalogue of the museum collection. Geza Von Habsburg, author. Mitchell Merling, curator. 9.5 x 11.25 inches. 436 pages. 585 illustrations.

View here to see more images of this publication.

Museum Graphics: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

2010–12. Patrick Bell on staff at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Work of Patrick Bell on staff at VMFA included gallery guides, brochures, permanent signage, permanent exhibition panels, and other general museum graphics.

Publication Design: Michael Jones McKean

2008. Patrick Bell Design for Michael Jones McKean

Exhibition catalogue. 32 pages. 8 x 8 1/2.

This small publication was designed in collaboration with VCU sculptor and professor Michael Jones McKean as catalogue of recent work.

View here to see more images of this publication.

Brochure Design: Art in Richmond

2007. Patrick Bell Design for the Arts Council of Richmond

This brochure features a newly designed logo and initial format for a planned series of guides to the art galleries of Richmond, edited by Shannon O’Neill.

View here to see more images of this brochure.

Print and Publication Graphics: American Museum of Natural History

2000–01. Patrick Bell on staff at the American Museum of Natural History
2001–04. Patrick Bell Design for the American Museum of Natural History

On staff at AMNH, Patrick Bell provided design for museum program catalogues and a variety of designs for print. From 2001–04, Patrick Bell Design provided design for museum science bulletins, brochues, and special announcements.

Exhibition Graphics: Museo Arqueológico Regional Altos de Chavón

2004. Exhibition graphics proposal. Patrick Bell Design for Museo Arqueológico Regional Altos de Chavón

These four large-scale maps (each 8 feet x 14 feet) were part of a large graphics package component of a commissioned proposal for the Museo Arqueológico Regional in Altos de Chavón (Dominican Republic). The sea depth contours were drawn by hand. Colors were optimized for low-level museum lighting.

View here to see the series of four maps.

Exhibition Brochure: Ninety from the Nineties

2003–04. Patrick Bell Design for the New York Public Library

Ninety from the Nineties was an exhibition of ninety notable books of the 1990s, selected as exceptional examples of printing, illustration, paper and binding. The exhibition identity, catalogue and exhibit graphics were designed by Patrick Bell Design in collaboration with curator Virginia Bartow, NYPL staff and exhibit designer Roger Westerman.

Exhibition Graphic Design: Ninety from the Nineties

2003–04. Patrick Bell Design for the New York Public Library

Ninety from the Nineties was an exhibition of ninety notable books of the 1990s, selected as exceptional examples of printing, illustration, paper and binding. The exhibition identity, catalogue and exhibit graphics were designed by Patrick Bell Design in collaboration with curator Virginia Bartow, NYPL staff and exhibit designer Roger Westerman.

Floor Plan Guide: American Museum of Natural History

2002–04. Patrick Bell Design for the American Museum of Natural History

The museum's new floor plan guides were designed with respect to format and the increase in printing volume and print quality. The template and maps established with this redesign has been in use continuously by AMNH for twenty years and printed on a quarterly basis. The brochure now appears in many languages.

View here to see more samples of this guide.

Maps and Information Graphics: American Museum of Natural History

2000–01. Patrick Bell on staff at the American Museum of Natural History
2001–04. Patrick Bell Design for the American Museum of Natural History

On staff at AMNH, Patrick Bell contributed maps and information graphics to the Rose Center (permanent panels), Iceland (temporary exhibition), The Genomic Revolution (temporary exhibition), The Fighting Dinosaurs of Mongolia (temporary exhibition), Mongolia (temporary exhibition). Patrick Bell Design contributed maps and information graphics for Hall of Meteors (permanent gallery). Hall of Ocean Life (permanent gallery), Pearls (temporary exhibition) and the AMNH Floor Plan Guide.

View here to see samples.

Exhibition Graphic Design: American Museum of Natural History

2000–01. Patrick Bell on staff at the American Museum of Natural History
2001–04. Patrick Bell Design for the American Museum of Natural History

On staff at AMNH, Patrick Bell provided many large-scale exhibition graphics for The Fighting Dinosaurs of Mongolia (2000–01), and was lead graphic designer for The Genomic Revolution (2001–02). Patrick Bell Design contributed design for Peals (2001–02), recognized by the Society for Environmental Graphic Design (SEGD) in 2001.