Floor Plan Guide

2002–04. Patrick Bell Design for the American Museum of Natural History

The museum's new floor plan guides were designed with respect to format and the increase in printing volume and print quality. The template and maps established with this redesign has been in use continuously by AMNH for twenty years and printed on a quarterly basis. The brochure now appears in many languages.

View here to see more samples of this brochure.

Maps and Information Graphics

2000–01. Patrick Bell on staff at the American Museum of Natural History
2001–04. Patrick Bell Design for the American Museum of Natural History

On staff at AMNH, Patrick Bell contributed maps and information graphics to the Rose Center (permanent panels), Iceland (temporary exhibition), The Genomic Revolution (temporary exhibition), The Fighting Dinosaurs of Mongolia (temporary exhibition), Mongolia (temporary exhibition). Patrick Bell Design contributed maps and information graphics for Hall of Meteors (permanent gallery). Hall of Ocean Life (permanent gallery), Pearls (temporary exhibition) and the AMNH Floor Plan Guide.

View here to see samples.

Exhibition Graphic Design

2000–01. Patrick Bell on staff at the American Museum of Natural History
2001. Patrick Bell Design for the American Museum of Natural History

On staff at AMNH, Patrick Bell provided many large-scale exhibition graphics for The Fighting Dinosaurs of Mongolia (2000–01), and was lead graphic designer for The Genomic Revolution (2001–02). Patrick Bell Design contributed design for Peals (2001–02), recognized by the Society for Environmental Graphic Design (SEGD) in 2001.

Gallery Typeface

2012. Patrick Bell Design for the American Museum of Natural History

This typeface was commissioned by AMNH to fabricate metal lettering in the museum's newly renovated Hall of North American Mammals. The uppercase letterforms were inspired by a variety of early-20th-century all-capital metal letterforms in the old hall. Lowercase letterforms were newly designed to complement the uppercase.

View here to see more samples of this typeface.