Independent Project: Apollo Lunar Landings

2016–24. Patrick Bell Design.

These projects are ongoing personal design explorations in digital book format: presentations of the still color photography on the lunar surface taken by astronauts during the Apollo 11, 12, and 14 missions. Images are accompanied by the complete transcripts of the EVAs. The transcripts are divided and typeset in paragraph form for ease of continuous reading. All images and text are in the public domain. Typeset in National. Apollo 11: 108 pages. Apollo 12: 204 pages. Apollo 14: 132 pages.

View Apollo 11 here, Apollo 12 here, and Apollo 14 here.

Independent Project: Looking Up: A Photographic Survey of Gothic Architecture

2022. Patrick Bell Design.

This project, in digital book format, is a personal exploration of design and an homage to 100 works of gothic architecture in France. The project uses imagery accessed from Mapping Gothic France, a collaboration of institutions associated with Columbia University and Vassar College. Typeset in National. 212 pages.

View the project here.

Independent Project: Movement: 100 Frames of Passing Freight Trains

2020. Patrick Bell Design.

This project in digital book format is a presentation of 100 images of passing freight trains. Blurred by speed, abstract and colorful graffiti adds elements of color and unexpected form. All photographs by Patrick Bell Design 2016–19. 112 pages.

View the project here.

Independent Project: Anatidae

2016–20. Patrick Bell Design.

This is an exploration in digital book format: a presentation of all 165 species of the Anatidae family, a clade of birds that includes all ducks, geese, and swans. The content is organized taxonomically and employs a minimalist system of page structures and grid systems. (All images used without permission.) Typeset in Whitney Light. 368 pages.

View the project here.